2017 Programme

Let’s talk about climate change? Creative conversations to save the planet!

Join Dr Alix Dietzel (SPAIS) and local artist and climate change activist Isobel Tarr as we explore and co-design creative ways young people can communicate climate change to their friends, family and communities.

Advising in Austerity exhibition

This interactive exhibition will explore solutions to the current funding crisis in voluntary sector advice services, informed by stories of service users and presented by actors.

Engaging with engineering: What works and what doesn’t

This interactive workshop brings together school teachers and representatives from engineering companies in the Bristol area, sharing findings of recent research and giving teachers a space to share their students’ needs with engineering professionals.

Children take over City Hall

University of Bristol academics, children and civil society organisations come together to explore children’s participation in city spaces: what prevents children playing in city spaces, and how do we best capture their views?

#clash2creativity: using arts to engage with difference

A day-long workshop of creative action, exploring how to use arts and imagination to open up challenging community conversations.